As of 2007, Polk City’s population is 4,127 people. Since 2000, it has had a population growth of 21.30 percent.
Location of Polk City in relation to major Highway and Interstate access
- Highway 415 – runs through Polk City
- Highway 141– runs 4 miles away
- Interstate 35 – 10 miles away
- Interstate 80 – 16 miles away
Airports certified for carrier operations nearest to Polk City
- Des Moines International Airport (about 17 miles; Des Moines, IA; ID: DSM)
The following airlines serve the Des Moines International Airport (DSM) and provide a direct connection to cities throughout the United States:
- Allegiant Air
- American Eagle
- Comair – the Delta
- Connection
- Continental Express
- Frontier
- Northwest
- MidWest Airlines
- United
Other public-use airports nearest to Polk City:
- Ankeny Regional (about 13 miles; Ankeny, IA; ID: IKV)
Mission Statement
To encourage a proactive business environment that results in a diversified and balanced smart growth of Polk City’s economic base and improves the quality of life.