As of 2007, Polk City’s population is 4,127 people. Since 2000, it has had a population growth of 21.30 percent.
Polk City Demographic Overview
- As of 2007, Polk City’s population is 4,127 people. Since 2000, it has had a population growth of 21.30 percent.
- The median home cost in Polk City is $159,700. Home appreciation the last year has been 3.90 percent.
- Compared to the rest of the country, Polk City’s cost of living is 9.70% Lower than the U.S. average.
- Polk City public schools spend $4,860 per student. The average school expenditure in the U.S. is $6,058. There are about 13.3 students per teacher in Polk City.
- The unemployment rate in Polk City is 3.60 percent(U.S. avg. is 4.60%). Recent job growth is Positive. Polk City jobs have Increased by 1.99 percent.
People in Polk City
Family in Polk City, IA
- The median age is 36.9. The US median is 37.6. 67.75% of people in Polk City, IA, are married. 9.04% are divorced.
- The average household size is 2.8 people. 38.03% of people are married, with children. 4.49% have children, but are single.
Race in Polk City, IA
- 98.01% of people are white, 0.19% are black, 0.39% are asian, 0.24% are native american, and 1.16% claim ‘Other’.
- 0.51% of the people in Polk City, IA, claim hispanic ethnicity (meaning 99.49% are non-hispanic).
Mission Statement
To encourage a proactive business environment that results in a diversified and balanced smart growth of Polk City’s economic base and improves the quality of life.